Hasan Özgen was born in Milas, on July 20, 1947. He graduated from Air Force Academy in
1968 and received a “flight training” for a certain period of time. In 1972 he had to step down and retire from the Air Forces for “political reasons” and he stayed under custody for more than 30 months.
Between 1974 and 1982 he worked at the News Department of TRT, the Turkish Radio & Television Corporation. In 1983 he participated with Süha Arın to the foundation of MTV Inc. In 1987 he established his own agency. Nowadays he is the manager and cofounder of “Nöbetçi Ajans” limited company working in the Advertising, Film making and Tourism sector.
His TV experience started with TRT and progressed mainly with the production of documentary movies. He worked as a cameraman, director of photography, scenarist and director.
He started to be interested by literature and the art of writing while he was in high school. His poem and prose essays have been published in different revues. For the past few years he writes about the cities and metropolitan culture.
Between February 2011 and 2013 he was the President of BSB, the Association of Documentary Filmmakers’ Administrative Body.
Mr. Özgen is also a founding member and an Administrative Body member of ÇEKÜL, the Foundation for Protecting and Presenting Cultural and Environmental Values, a member of TKB, the Consultative Committee of Historic Cities Union, a founding member of MİÇEV, the Cultural Foundation of Milas and a member of TGC, the Journalists Association of Turkey.
He taught about “Documentary Cinema” in many Communication Faculties of different universities. Except the documentary and film making sector, he also provides a consultancy for “social and cultural projects” and in the field of “communication”. Since 2009 he is the project manager of “B +” magazine and “One documentary, one journalist, a tea and a bagel” activities for Beşiktaş Municipality in Istanbul.
His written works:
The books published:
“ Kaynaktan Mahalleye Ab-ı Hayat” (Adam’s Ale from the Source to the Street) (2011)
“Güle Güle Çocuklar” (Goodbye Kids) (2009)
“ Umudun Tanığı” (The Witness of Hope) (2007)
“ Zamanın Kapıları” (The Gates of Time) (2006)
“ Işık Ülkesi” (Country of Light) (2005)
“ Taşlar ve Düşler” (The Stones and the Dreams) (2004)
“ Nazım Hikmet Şarkıları” (Nazım Hikmet Songs) (2000)
“ Göksenin” (The Sky is yours) (1968)
Documentaries (director – script writer):
Documentary Series;
" Fırat Göl Olurken " (While Euphrates Turns Lake) 10 episodes x 30' ( 1985-87)
co-directed with Süha Arın
The names of the episodes are:
1-"Fırat'la Aktı Zaman", (The Years Roll on with Euphrates)
2-"Kıyıdaki Kemancı" (Violinist on the Shore)
3-"Fırat Geçitleri" (Passages of Euphrates)
4-"2000 Yıllık Sır" (2000-year-long Secret)
5-"Cennetin Bedeli" (The Price for Heaven)
6-"Oyun ve Kuralları" (The Game and the Rules)
7-"Fırat'ın Vasiyeti" (Euphrates’ Bequeath)
8-"Sular Yükselmeden" (Before the Water Rises)
9-"Ferhat Dağı Delecek" (Ferhat will Drill the Mountain)
10-"Cumhuriyet'in Kırk Yıllık Rüyası" (40-year-old Dream of the Republic)
"Eski Evler Eski Ustalar" (Old Houses and Old Masters)
12 episodes x 30' (1987-90)
director of one-episode documentaries below:
“Efeler ve Bacalar” (Swashbucklers and Chimneys)
“Kilit Taşı”, (Keystone)
“Ateşin Göçü” (The Migration of Fire)
“İstanbul Hatırası “ (A Souvenir from Istanbul).
" Zamana Açılan Yollar " (Paths through the Time)
co-directed with Savaş Güvezne
4 episodes x 30', (1992-94)
1.Tekerleğin Türküsü (The Song of Wheel)
2. Kan Damarları (The Blood Veins)
3. Kökler ve Dallar (Roots and Branches)
4. Gidemediğin Yer Senin Değildir (If You Haven’t Been There,
It’s not Yours)
"Doğu'nun Uygar Kenti; Kars" (Modern City of the East; Kars)
2 episodes x 20' (1999)
1.”Eski Zamanlar” (Old Times)
2.”Asri Zamanlar” (Modern Times)
"İki Dünya Arasında" (Between Two Worlds)
co-directed with Hakan Aytekin
6 episodes X 25 ' (2000)
1. "Taşların Sırrı" (The Secret of the Stones)
2. "Alın Yazısı" (The Destiny)
3. "Bedenin Işığı" (The Light of the Body)
4. "Barış Adında Bir Kuş" (A Bird Called Peace)
5. "Tarihe Dokunmak" (Touching the History)
6. "Toprak Çiçeğe Durunca" (When the Earth Blossoms)
“Tarihin Kilidi ; Çanakkale” (The Lock of History; Çanakkale
2 episodes X 25’ (2002)
“Işıkların Arkasında” (Beyond the Lights)
“Zamanın Yanında” (Along with Time)
One-episode Documentaries
" Sırların Kenti" (City of Secrets) 31', (1987)
" Sessizliğin Bin Rengi " (Thousand Colors of Silence) 26' ,(1987)
"...Ve Taşlar Tanıktır " (And the Stones Witness) 38', (1990)
" Ortak Geleceğimiz " (Our Common Future) 20', (1991)
" Korumanın Başkenti;" (The Capital of Protection) 25', (1995)
“ Nerelisin ? ” (Where are you from?) 15’ (2003)
“ Işık Ülkesi” (Country of Light) 30’ (2005)
“ Gelenler, Gidenler ve Kalanlar” (Comers, Goers and the Rest) 26’ (2006)
“ Sevdiğimiz Şeyler” (Things We Like) 38’ (2008)
he has served as the project director of documentary works of “Nazım Hikmet
Şarkıları” (Nazım Hikmet Songs) (2000) VCD + book and “Toroslarda Bir Efsane”(2003)
(A Legend in Toros Mountains).